Wonder Woman Overload...
Will all of these WW posts, you may begin to wonder if I'm Josh Whedon or Greg Rucka or someone who may have some asociation with DC. No I am not, nor an I taking some Woman's Studies course in community college. I'm just someone who has taken an unnatural interest in the character (No! Not like that). Frankly, it's starting to take the scope of a research project, so this may be a good a time as any to start laying out the books and sources I might think would help me figure out Wonder Woman. I believe she is one of the more complex characters (if not the most complex) of the DC universe. She seems like a neat puzzle to solve (well, there's the mathematician in me coming out again -- everything is a puzzle to be solved). I've nowhere near started gathering all the books and articles I think I will need, but I can start.Movie Poop Shoot: Comics 101: Enter Diana by Scott Tipton.
Excerpts from Phil Jimenez's interview with Gay League -- He discusses a bit of WW. The original website is no longer available. More bits of that interview, particularly concerning Donna Troy (Wonder Girl I) can be found at OPIEblue.
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